Western China (SiChuan) Import Expo & International Investment Fair


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Deputy Director Wang Mian visited the Exim Ba…

Source:admin  Date:2015-05-18

On May 15, Deputy Director Wang Mian visited Wang Yuanyuan, President of the Exim Bank of China, Sichuan Branch (hereinafter referred to as EIBC), and both attended the Western China (Sichuan) Import Expo and International Investment Fair (hereinafter referred to as Import Expo) to discuss related matters.

Deputy Director Wang Mian first thanked the EIBC's support to Western China International Expo, specifically introduced the Import Expo’s related circumstances and hoped the EIBC will enthusiastically participate in preparing for the Import Expo.

Branch President Wang Yuanyuan stated EIBC and the Sichuan Burea of Expo Affairs have a favorable and cooperative relationship and are focusing on preparing for the Import Expo and have already agreed to act as the Import Fair’s joint organization. The next step is for the Sichuan branch to fully support the Import Expo and publicize favorable policies about import and export finances and can showcase their available financial services to companies and industrial parks. Officers of the brand promotion center will be there.

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Western China (SiChuan) Import Expo & International Investment Fair

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