Western China (SiChuan) Import Expo & International Investment Fair


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Sichuan Develops WCIF Open Platform Results f…

Source:office  Date:2015-06-08

1. Policy Communication Platform. Inviting the heads of state of the countries along the One Best One Road to attend the Western China International Cooperation Forum, negotiate pushing regional cooperation policies and measures, eliminate trade barriers, reduce trade and investment costs and increase regional economic circulation speed and quality.

2. Facilities Communication Platform. Develop a series of specialized event series based on Chengdu-Europe high-speed rail, Central Asia trains and logistics infrastructure, port channel construction, BCIM economic corridor construction, the two river basin economic cultural cooperation between China and Russia and Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration construction.

3. Open Trade Platform. Adopt through outreach such as foreigner expo organization collaboration through One Belt One Road emerging markets referring the WCIF and Import Expo, pushing western and Sichuan enterprises and products to go abroad.

4. Financing Platform. Invite countries along (the One Belt One Road) financial institutions to attend the Western China Finance Forum, research financial policies, strengthening exchange and cooperation and promoting accommodation of funds.

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Western China (SiChuan) Import Expo & International Investment Fair

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